Family monitor service, Family monitor™ service – Samsung DM-S105 User Manual

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note: it is very imPortAnt to ChAnGe your Pin to sAfeGuArD the fAmily
loCAtor feAture on your Phone. your neW Pin must Be 4 DiGits AnD
must Be Different from your temPorAry Pin.

Using Family Locator

Here’s how to locate your children’s phones:

1. Under OK to Locate, select a name and press


2. Enter your PIN and press


3. “Locating” will appear to confirm action in progress.

4. If you have already used the locates included in your calling plan, you

will be prompted to continue this search for an additional fee. Select
Yes and press

to continue. Select No and press

to return to the

previous screen.

5. For a successful locate: under Location, the location, accuracy range

and the local time will be displayed.

6. For unsuccessful attempts, press Retry (


note: After enterinG An inCorreCt Pin three times in A roW, you Will
Be loCKeD out. the ACCount oWner must ContACt Guest serviCes At
1-866-Disney2 to reset your Pin.

note: PressinG BACK or enD While ConDuCtinG A seArCh Will Count AGAinst
Any loCAtes inCluDeD in your CAllinG PlAn. unsuCCessful loCAte AttemPts
Will not Be DeDuCteD AGAinst Any loCAtes inCluDeD in your CAllinG PlAn.

Viewing Maps
After receiving a location, you can access an area map to get a better view of
your child’s phone location.

1. Under Location, press Map (


2. An area map will appear with a shaded circle indicating the reported

location and accuracy range.

3. Use the NAV KEY to view the surrounding area. Press Zoom (


to zoom in or out of map using the Left/Right NAV KEY.

4. Press Back

to return to the Location page.

note: loCAtion informAtion CAn only Be ProviDeD if the Phone BeinG
loCAteD is turneD on AnD Both Phones Are Within Disney moBile’s CoverAGe
AreA. loCAtion CAnnot Be ComPleteD if the Phone BeinG loCAteD is mAKinG
A voiCe CAll.

note: fAmily loCAtor serviCe mAy only Be useD With Phones AssiGneD to
KiDs unDer the AGe of 18. fAmily loCAtor feAtures mAy not Be AvAilABle
or funCtion, or mAy Be suBJeCt to CertAin fees, unDer CertAin ConDitions
inCluDinG, But not limiteD to, Phones BeinG turneD off, one or more Phones
roAminG off the Disney moBile netWorK, Poor netWorK siGnAl, or other
system, equiPment, or netWorK limitAtions. see Disney moBile terms of
serviCe for DetAils.


Stay in control of your family’s wireless spending. Check total family usage,
and set voice, text, pix, and download usage allowances for Family Members
under the age of 18.

This manual is related to the following products: