7 netware print server configuration, 7 netw are print server configuration – Edimax Technology PS-1206P User Manual

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7.7 Netw are Print Server Configuration

Double Click “Net Ware” ico n a nd t he NetWare configuration
window will pop- up .
This print se r ver s uppor ts NetWa re Binder y Printing met hod.
The pri nt ser ver pe riodically polls t he NetWare ser ver
printer q ueues for pri nting jobs . You ha ve to assign t he
NetWare ser ver na me, p rint ser ver polling inte r val and t he
name o f q ue ue o n t he NetWare ser ver for each pri nter port .
Polling Time is t he po lli ng inter va l of t he p rint ser ver fo r
waiting pri nti ng jobs o n t he Ne tWare se r ver.
NetWare Server is t he name of t he NetWare file ser ver t hat
provides pri nter q ueues .


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