MSD 6530 Digital Programmable 6AL-2 Installation User Manual

Page 11

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M S D  

•   W W W . M S D P E R F O R M A N C E . C O M   •   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 5 2 0 0   •   F A X   ( 9 1 5 )   8 5 7 - 3 3 4 4


This option is for Manual shift applications using the clutch between shifts. This RPM value will set

up a window so the Launch limiter will not reactivate when using the clutch between shifts. This RPM

will be set lower than Launch RPM.


When you connect the Burnout and Launch, it is important to pay close attention to the wiring. The

Light Blue wire is responsible for the Burnout Rev Limit. The Dark Blue is responsible for turning on

the Launch Rev Limit. The Launch Rev Limit will override the Burn Rev Limit if both are activated.


The launch RPM is activated by applying

12 volts to the Launch Wire (Dark Blue

Wire), this is normally wired to a trans-brake

button, brake line lock switch, or clutch

switch on a manual shift transmission.

When 12 volts is removed from the Launch

Wire the launch rpm will release and the

Max RPM Value will be in control of the

engine RPM.


The launch retard can be activated multiple

ways depending on the application. In

order to customize this feature to your

application there are 3 adjustments that

need to be made (Figure 11).

1st Delay: This is a time delay that starts

counting once 12 volts is removed from the

Launch Wire (Dark Blue Wire). If this delay

is set at 0 seconds, then the launch retard

will become active as soon as 12 volts is

applied to the Launch Wire. If you have

anything other than 0 seconds (example:

.10 or more), then the launch retard will not

become active until 12 volts is removed

from the Launch Wire and the Delay time

is achieved.

2nd Retard: This is the amount of timing that will be retarded once 12 volts is removed from the

Launch Wire. The retard amount will become active when 12 volts is applied to the Launch wire if the

Delay is set to 0 seconds.

3rd Ramp: This adjustment determines the rate (over time) that timing will be ramped back into the

motor until the run curve timing is met. When the Launch Wire is removed from 12 volts and the Launch

Delay value is timed out then timing will begin ramping back into the motor. The Ramp determines

how fast this is done.

Always remember all timing retards (Launch, Step, Boost and the Run Curve retards) are all added

together in the total retard amount. When using multiple retards be sure to check the timing in order

to insure that they don't overlap.

Figure 11 Launch Retard Delay Example.
