Moog Music MF-105M MIDI MuRF (Manual Addendum - Firmware v1.8) User Manual

Page 22

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that is assigned, the MIDI MuRF pattern clock stops running, and that

filter’s EGR is fired. If a Note On is held until the EGR goes through

its complete attack/decay cycle, a new Note On message is required to

retrigger the EGR. An EGR is retriggered from the last point in the EGR

cycle if retriggered before the Decay segment reaches the end of its

cycle. This is an "8-voice polyphonic" mode – so up to all 8 filters can be

fired at once (in the order they are received serially). Moving the RATE

panel control, changing the RATE CV input, receiving CC9, or if Pattern

Clock Sync is enabled, receiving MIDI Clock start or continue message

followed by clock messages restarts the Pattern Clock.

SUSTAINED MODE: Note On Values 72,74,76,77,79,81,83,84. These

notes allow the C to C major scale (8 white keys) with the lowest note

an octave above Middle C to correspond to Filters 1-8. When a Note

On message of value 72,74,76,77,79,81,83,84 is received on the MIDI

Channel that is assigned, the MIDI MuRF pattern clock stops running,

and the corresponding filter is set to a level determined by the Note On

Velocity. When the Note Off message is received for that same note value

the filter’s DAC Value is written to zero. This means you can "play" the

filters in a sustained fashion with Note On messages. Moving the RATE

panel control, changing the RATE CV input, receiving CC9, or if Pattern

Clock Sync is enabled, receiving MIDI Clock start or continue message

followed by clock messages restarts the Pattern Clock.

NOTE PRIORITY: Triggered mode and Sustained mode can be used

at the same time, with the last note played taking priority for the

corresponding filter.

Sustained/ Trigger Mode cannot be used at the same time as Mute Mode

so if any Sustained/ Trigger Mode Note On messages are received, any

Mute mode Note on values are ignored. Note that if the clock is stopped

by Sustained/Trigger/Step Mode Note On values, a Mute Mode Note On

does NOT restart the clock – clocks are only restarted by changing the

Rate control, changing the Rate input CV, receiving CC9, or by receiving

MIDI Clock start or continue message.

Sustained/ Trigger Mode cannot be used at the same time as Step Mode

so if any Sustained/ Trigger Mode Note on Values are received, Note

on value 108 is ignored. A Step mode note (Note On 108) received after

Sustained or Trigger Mode Notes will place the MIDI MuRF back into

Step mode.

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