Rainbow Electronics AT75C220 User Manual

Smart internet appliance processor (siap, Features, Description

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Processor Core

One 16-bit Fixed-point OakDSPCore


Dual Ethernet 10/100 Mbps MAC Interface with Voice Priority

Multi-layer AMBA


256 x 32-bit Boot ROM

88K bytes of Integrated Fast RAM

Flexible External Bus Interface with Programmable Chip Selects

Codec Interface

Multi-level Priority, Individually-maskable, Vectored Interrupt Controller

Three 16-bit Timer/Counters

Additional Watchdog Timer

Two USARTs with FIFO and Modem Control Lines

Industry-standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

Up to 24 General-purpose I/O Pins

On-chip SDRAM Controller for Embedded ARM7TDMI and OakDSPCore

JTAG Debug Interface

Software Development Tools Available for ARM7TDMI and OakDSPCore

Supported by a Wide Range of Ready-to-use Application Software,
including Multi-tasking Operating System, Networking
and Voice-processing Functions

Available in a 208-lead PQFP Package


The AT75C220, Atmel’s latest device in the family of smart internet appliance proces-
sors (SIAP), is a high-performance processor designed for professional internet
appliance applications such as the Ethernet IP phone. The AT75C220 is built around
an ARM7TDMI microcontroller core running at 40 MIPS with an OakDSPCore co-pro-
cessor running at 60 MIPS and a dual Ethernet 10/100 Mbps MAC interface.

In a typical standalone IP phone, the DSP handles the voice processing functions
(voice compression, acoustic echo cancellation, etc.) while the dual-port Ethernet
10/100 Mbps MAC interface establishes the connection to the Ethernet physical layer
(PHY) that links the network and the PC. In such an application, the power of the
ARM7TDMI allows it to run a VoIP protocol stack as well as all the system control

Atmel provides the AT75C220 with three levels of software modules:
• a special port of the Linux kernel as the proposed operating system

• a comprehensive set of tunable DSP algorithms for voice processing, tailored to be

run by the DSP subsystem

• a broad range of application-level software modules such as H323 telephony or

POP-3/SMTP E-mail services

Smart Internet


AT75C220 –

Rev. 1396A–05/01

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