Revive after storage routine, System initialization, Running the system initialization routine – Luminex xPONENT 4.2 for FLEXMAP User Manual

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Correct sample probe height is critical to successful sample
acquisition and calibration. Problems with the sample probe can
lead to fluid leaks and inhibit sample acquisition.


Ensure that the probe height is set correctly before calibrating
the system.

Revive After Storage Routine

NOTE: The Revive After Storage routine is necessary when the system

has been idle for more than a week.

After you have adjusted the sample probe height, run the Revive After Storage (Luminex)

1. Open the Maintenance page, then the Cmds & Routines tab.

2. Select Revive After Storage (Luminex) from the Routine Name drop-down list. The

Revive After Storage routine performs the following commands:


Backflush (x2)

Drain RA2 (x3)

Alcohol Flush RB1 (x2)


Wash RA1 (x3)

3. Add 70% isopropanol or 70% ethanol to reservoir RB1 on the off-plate reagent block as

indicated on the Cmds & Routines tab. Add DI Water to reservoir RA1.

NOTE: The drain reservoir (RA2) should be empty.

4. Click Run.

After the Revive After Storage routine is complete, run the System Initialization routine.

System Initialization

Warm up the lasers to prepare the optics prior to sample acquisition. The system
automatically begins warming up when you turn power on; however, you will need to use the
Warmup command if the system is idle for four hours or longer. Failure to properly warm up
the lasers will affect assay results and system performance.

• On the System Status bar, click the Warm Up button.


• Open the Maintenance page, and then the Cmds & Routines tab. Click Warmup in the

Commands section at the left of the screen, and then click the Run button at the bottom
right to begin the procedure. The warmup process takes 30 minutes to complete.

Calibrate the system before use. Open the Maintenance page and then the Auto Maint tab
and select the Calibration Verification button and follow the instructions provided on the





