For windows® 95/98/98se/me users only, F or w indows® 95/98/98se/me users only, Step 2 – Brother MFC-8420 User Manual

Page 29: Installing the driver & software, For windows, For parallel interface cable users (for windows

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Installing the Driver & Software

Make sure that you followed the instructions in




on pages 25 - 27.


Wh en th is scree n a pp ea rs, co nn ect th e
pa ra lle l in te rface cab le to yo ur P C, a nd th en
con ne ct i t to the M FC.
Tur n o n the MF C b y plu gg ing in the po wer
cor d. Turn th e p owe r switch o n.



Click Ne xt .


The REA DME .WRI fi le wil l be d ispl aye d.
P lea se re ad th is fi le for tro ub lesh oo ting
in fo rma tion an d the n close th e file to
con tinu e in sta lla tion .


Click Finish to re sta rt you r comp ute r.


A fte r th e com pu te r re sta rts, th e in sta lla ti on
of the Bro the r dr ivers wi ll au to ma ti cally star t.
Fol low the instru ction s o n the scree n.


Click Yes to have the Brother MFL-Pro Control
Center load each time Windows


is started. The

Control Center will appear as an icon in the task tray.
If you click No the Scan keys on the MFC will be

The Brot her PC -FAX , P rint er and
S ca nner driv ers hav e bee n ins ta lle d
a nd t he inst allation is now c om plete .

For Parallel Interface Cable Users
(For Windows


95/98/98SE/Me/2000 Professional/XP)

For Windows


95/98/98SE/Me Users Only

Ev en if y ou s elect N O, you will be able to
launc h t he Brot her C ontrol Cent er lat er t o
us e t he Scan to k ey by double c lick ing t he
Sm art U I icon on t he desk top. This loads t he
Brot her C ontrol Cent er t o t he t ask t ray. See
Aut oLoad t he Brot her C ontrol Cent er,
C hapter 15 in the Doc ument ation (Us er’s
G uide) locat ed on the CD -RO M .

Step 2

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