1 quantispeed™ architecture summary – AMD Athlon 27493 User Manual

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Chapter 1

AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Data Sheet

26237C—May 2003

Preliminary Information

The features of the AMD Athlon XP processor model 10 are
Quanti Speed™ architecture, 640 Kby tes o f to tal , hig h-
performance, full-speed, on-chip cache, an advanced 400 front-
side bus (FSB) with a 3.2-Gigabyte per second system bus, or an
advanced 333 FSB with a 2.7-Gigabyte per second system bus,
and 3DNow!™ Professional technology. The AMD Athlon system
bus combines the latest technological advances, such as
point-to-point topology, source-synchronous packet-based
transfers, and low-voltage signaling to provide an extremely
powerful, scalable bus for an x86 processor.

The AMD Athlon XP processor model 10 is binary-compatible
with existing x86 software and backwards compatible with
applications optimized for MMX™, SSE, and 3DNow! technology.
Using a data format and single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD)
o p e ra t i o n s b a s e d o n t h e M M X i n s t r u c t i o n m o d e l , t h e
AMD Athlon XP processor model 10 can produce as many as four,
32-bit, single-precision floating-point results per clock cycle. The
3 D N ow ! P ro f e s s i o n a l t e ch n o l o gy i m p l e m e n t e d i n t h e
AMD Athlon XP processor model 10 includes new integer
multimedia instructions and software-directed data movement
instructions for optimizing such applications as digital content
creation and streaming video for the internet, as well as new
i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r d i g i t a l s i g n a l p r o c e s s i n g ( D S P ) a n d
communications applications.


QuantiSpeed™ Architecture Summary

The following features summariz e the AMD Athlon XP
processor model 10 QuantiSpeed architecture:

An advanced nine-issue, superpipelined, superscalar x86
processor microarchitecture designed for increased
instructions per cycle (IPC) and high clock frequencies

Fully pipelined floating-point unit that executes all x87
(floating-point), MMX


SSE and 3DNow! instructions

Hardware data pre-fetch that increases and optimizes
performance on high-end software applications utilizing
high-bandwidth system capabilities

Advanced two-level translation look-aside buffer (TLB)
structures for both enhanced data and instruction address
translation. The AMD Athlon XP processor model 10 with
QuantiSpeed architecture incorporates three TLB
optimizations: the L1 DTLB increases from 32 to 40 entries,
the L2 ITLB and L2 DTLB both use exclusive architecture,
and the TLB entries can be speculatively loaded.

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