Setting a threshold in the wwn tab, Setting a threshold – HP XP Array Manager Software User Manual

Page 44

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Do one of the following:
• To limit the I/O rate of the non-prioritized WWN, double-click the desired cell in the IOPS

column in Upper. Next, enter the upper-limit value in the cell.

• To limit the transfer rate of the non-prioritized WWNs, double-click the desired cell in the

MB/s column in Upper. Next, enter the upper-limit value in the cell.

In the list, either of the IOPS cells or the MB/s cells are activated depending on the rate you
specified in step


on page 43. You can specify the limit value by using either of the I/O rate

or transfer rate for each HBA. The upper-limit value that you entered is displayed in blue or specify
upper-limit values by using the I/O rate for some HBAs or specify the values for the other HBAs
using the transfer rate.
• You cannot specify or change the upper-limit value of a HBA which is contained in a Perform-

ance Control group. The upper-limit value of such a HBA is defined by the Performance
Control group settings. For details on how to specify an upper-limit value for a Performance
Control group, see

Setting an Upper-Limit Value to HBAs in a Performance Control Group

” on page 48.

• If one HBA is connected to multiple ports and you specify an upper-limit value of the HBA for

one port, the specified upper-limit value will automatically be applied to the HBA settings for
other connected ports.


Click Apply.
The settings in the window are applied to the storage system. The upper-limit value that you
entered turns black.

Setting a Threshold in the WWN Tab

If a threshold control is used, upper-limit control is automatically disabled when traffic between
production servers and the storage system is reduced to a specified level. For details, see

Upper-Limit Control

” on page 12 and “

If Many-to-Many Connections Link HBAs and Ports

” on page 30.

If many-to-many connections are established between HBAs and storage system ports, you can set
one threshold value for the entire storage system. In this environment, you cannot set individual
threshold values for each prioritized WWN.

To set a threshold value:


Start XP Performance Control (see “

Starting Performance Control

” on page 34).

The Performance Control window is displayed.


Click the WWN tab (

Figure 4

on page 21).


Select the All Thresholds check box.


Select IOPS or MB/s from the All Thresholds list, and do one of the following:
• To specify the threshold value by using the I/O rate, select IOPS from the list below the check


• To specify the threshold value by using the transfer rate, select MB/s from the list below the

check box.


Enter the threshold in the text box to the immediate right of the All Thresholds check box.


Click the Apply button.
The settings in the window are applied to the storage system.

XP Performance Control Operations


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