Labeling volumes, About volume labels, Editing a volume label – HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual

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To expand a tier:


On the Resources tab, click Tier.


Expand the tree, select the storage system that contains the tier you want to expand and click
Edit Tier.


Specify the appropriate values.


Click OK.


Confirm that the tier has expanded.

Labeling volumes

This module describes how to use volume labels.

About volume labels

Volume labels allow you to more easily differentiate individual volumes in a storage system by labeling
them with meaningful names.

Volume labels can be up to 64 characters and can include any of the following characters:

A-Z, a-z, 0-9 ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } [ ] | : ; ' < > , . ? /

You can use spaces, but the label cannot contain only spaces. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored.
Volume labels are case-sensitive.

Editing a volume label

To assign or edit a volume label:


On the Resources tab, select Storage Systems, Hosts, or Logical Groups.


Select an appropriate resource to display a list of volumes.


Select the volume to which you want to assign a label, or with an existing label you want to edit
or delete.


Click Edit Label.


Specify a new label, edit the current label, or select Delete the current label and click OK.


Confirm that changes are made in the volume list.

Using volume labels to locate volumes to perform tasks

After you assign volume labels to groups of volumes, you can use those labels to search for groups
of volumes to perform specific tasks. You can also filter volume list results to display only those volumes
that use a specific label.

To search for volumes:


Locate volumes by using one of the following methods:

• Search for volume labels by using the search function under the Search tab.
• Find specific volumes by filtering the results of the volume list on the Resources tab.


Select volumes from the returned results.


Perform the desired task.

User Guide


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