Sammendrag av bruk, Measurement – Nikon Laser User Manual

Page 75

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Sammendrag av bruk


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.

3. Hold knappen

inne for å starte kontinuerlig måling i opptil

ca. 5 sekunder. Det interne displayet viser vekselvis symbolet for

avstand og for mislykket måling.

Merk: Laserstrålemerket blinker under målingen.

Merk: Hvis du slutter å trykke på knappen, stopper den

kontinuerlige målingen.

【Kontinuerlig måling】

Mislyktes i å måle

eller kan ikke måle


Viser den målte


(Mål 1)

Viser den målte


(Mål 2)

5. Displayeksempler for hver modus

Modus for faktisk

avstand og høyde

Modus for horisontal

avstand og høyde


Modus for faktisk avstand








Kontroller at LCD-panelet er på.


Trykk på og hold

-knappen nede i ca. to sekunder.


Når visningsenheten er skiftet, slipper du



Når enheten er angitt, vil resultatene bli konvertert og vist i den

måleenheten du har valgt.

6. Skifte måle/-visningsmodus

(standardinnstilling fra fabrikken er modus for faktisk avstand og høyde)

1. Kontroller at LCD-panelet er på.
2. Trykk på

-knappen innen 0,5 sekund.

3. Slipp


nappen for å skifte modus.

4. Gjenta trinn 2 og 3 til ønsket modus vises.
5. Hvis du skifter modus etter måling, konverteres resultatene til den nye modusen.
6. Når modusen er angitt, utføres målingen i den nye modusen.

Modus for faktisk avstand og høyde

Modus for horisontal avstand og


Modus for faktisk avstand


Hvis du for eksempel måler avstanden til et golfflagg, bruker du

prioritet for første mål og modus for kontinuerlig måling for å foreta

en enkel måling. Hvis det ikke er noen objekter mellom deg og

flagget, er det laveste tallet avstanden til flagget.

Hvis du trykker på MODE-knappen, endres modusene i rekkefølgen som vises ovenfor.

5. Velge visningsenhet (standardinnstilling fra fabrikken er yard.)

4. Etter målingen vises symbolet for avstand eller for mislykket måling

i 8 sekunder, deretter slås strømmen av. Hvis du trykker på

-knappen når strømmen er på (mens det interne display er opplyst),

starter en ny enkeltmåling.


Modus for faktisk

avstand og høyde

Modus for horisontal

avstand og høyde


Modus for faktisk


Oppover (+) vinkel

Helling opp

Ikke noe symbol

Nedover (-) vinkel

Helling ned

Øvre display med 7


Faktisk avstand

Horisontal avstand



Faktisk avstand

Nedre display med 7




Faktisk avstand

Ingen visning



1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.

Blinker under måling.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.
