Ae lock - locking the exposure, Iso - setting the desired sensitivity to light, Ae lock – Olympus E-400 User Manual

Page 69: K locking the exposure, K setting the desired sensitivity to light, P. 69, G “iso k setting the desired sensitivity to, Light” (p. 69), Ae lock k locking the exposure, Iso k setting the desired sensitivity to light

Ae lock - locking the exposure, Iso - setting the desired sensitivity to light, Ae lock | K locking the exposure, K setting the desired sensitivity to light, P. 69, G “iso k setting the desired sensitivity to, Light” (p. 69), Ae lock k locking the exposure, Iso k setting the desired sensitivity to light | Olympus E-400 User Manual | Page 69 / 164 Ae lock - locking the exposure, Iso - setting the desired sensitivity to light, Ae lock | K locking the exposure, K setting the desired sensitivity to light, P. 69, G “iso k setting the desired sensitivity to, Light” (p. 69), Ae lock k locking the exposure, Iso k setting the desired sensitivity to light | Olympus E-400 User Manual | Page 69 / 164