Constellation ii, A) general, B) operating the lock – Phoenix HS1130 User Manual

Page 2: Test – to be performed without fail, C) programming, D) replacing the batteries, E) batteries, A) generalites, B) emploi, Déverrouiller et remettre la serrure

Constellation ii, A) general, B) operating the lock | Test – to be performed without fail, C) programming, D) replacing the batteries, E) batteries, A) generalites, B) emploi, Déverrouiller et remettre la serrure | Phoenix HS1130 User Manual | Page 2 / 2 Constellation ii, A) general, B) operating the lock | Test – to be performed without fail, C) programming, D) replacing the batteries, E) batteries, A) generalites, B) emploi, Déverrouiller et remettre la serrure | Phoenix HS1130 User Manual | Page 2 / 2