Setting the dsr signal – Perle Systems Speed LE 1P User Manual

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Chapter 2 Installing Drivers and Host Cards

Setting the DSR Signal

The setultrap utility can be used to configure the DSR Always On option. This feature is
used for systems where the wiring does not support the DSR signal but the Host application
still requires that the DSR be active. When the DSR Always On option to set to "on," the
driver will always report to the application that the DSR signal is "on". The syntax for the
command is:

To use the setultrap utility, enter the following command:

setultrap -f device name -r on|off|list


-f specifies the port the action should be taken on.

/dev/ttyPS1 specifies port 1

/dev/ttyPS1,/dev/ttyPS64 specifies port 1 through port 64 (ranges are
separated by a comma with no space between them)

-r sets DSRAlwaysOn option on or off for serial devices(s). Use list to see the
existing configuration. By default this option is set to off.

Uninstalling the SPEED LE or Speed LE Express Driver for Linux

To uninstall the driver (RPM), enter the following command:

rpm -e perle-serial

To uninstall the driver (TAR) version 3.5.x or higher, enter the following command:

make uninstall

To uninstall the driver (TAR) version 3.4.x or lower, enter the following command:


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