3 revid register (0x36), 7 examples using the spi interface, 1 set the cycle count registers – PNI RM3100 Sensor Suite User Manual

Page 39: Revid register (0x36), Examples using the spi interface, Set the cycle count registers

3 revid register (0x36), 7 examples using the spi interface, 1 set the cycle count registers | Revid register (0x36), Examples using the spi interface, Set the cycle count registers | PNI RM3100 Sensor Suite User Manual | Page 39 / 44 3 revid register (0x36), 7 examples using the spi interface, 1 set the cycle count registers | Revid register (0x36), Examples using the spi interface, Set the cycle count registers | PNI RM3100 Sensor Suite User Manual | Page 39 / 44