Firefox web browser problems on unix, Downloading dump files using the dump tool – HP XP7 Storage User Manual

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Firefox web browser problems on UNIX

Note the following when using Firefox web browser on UNIX:

If a Mozilla process or a Firefox web browser process becomes unavailable, Remote Web
Console performance is affected. Delete the abnormal process and continue with Remote Web
Console operations.

When using Remote Web Console on the Japanese version of the Firefox web browser, you
must use the X Server Emulator to properly configure the browser, as follows:

In a B Shell, enter the following command:

export LANG

In a C Shell, enter the following command:

setenv LANG C

When you use Remote Web Console with Firefox, movements of the focus may differ from
movements of the focus in Internet Explorer. For example:

When the Remote Web Console login window appears, the focus is not on the User Name
box. Even is the User Name box is emphasized, you cannot enter any characters in it.

When you move the focus by using the Tab key, the destination browser window does not
become active.

When you click Logout at the upper right in the Remote Web Console main window on Firefox,
the Remote Web Console login window appears after you logout. (With Internet Explorer, the
window closes after the logout.

Downloading dump files using the Dump tool

Use the Dump tool to download dump files onto a Remote Web Console computer. The downloaded
dump files can be used for the following reasons:

For troubleshooting purposes. Use the Dump tool to download dump files from SVP and give
it to the HP service personnel.

For checking configuration. First click File > Refresh All to refresh the configuration information,
and then use the Dump tool to download dump files.


No other user (including SVP user) should be using the Dump tool.

No maintenance operation is being performed.

You must have Support Personnel role to log in.

Firefox web browser problems on UNIX


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