0 vibration and shock, 1 operating vibration, 1 random vibration – Hitachi ULTRASTAR 15K450 HUS154530VLF400 User Manual

Page 57: 2 swept sine vibration, 2 non-operating vibrations, 3 operating shock

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Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification


12.0 Vibration and Shock

All vibration and shock measurements in this section are made with a bare drive. The input for the measurements are applied
to the normal drive mounting points unless noted otherwise.

12.1 Operating Vibration

12.1.1 Random Vibration

The drive is designed to operate without unrecoverable errors while being subjected to the vibration levels as defined below.

The assessments are carried out during 30 minutes of random vibration using the power spectral density (PSD) levels as fol-

No Errors:

0.4 G RMS, 5-500 Hz, flat PSD profile for each of the three mutually perpendicular axes.

No Data Loss: 1.2 G RMS, 5-500 Hz, flat PSD profile for each of the three mutually perpendicular axes.


The specified levels are measured at the mounting points.

12.1.2 Swept Sine Vibration

The drive will meet the criterion while operating in the respective conditions as described below.

No errors:

0.5 G 0-peak, 5-400-5 Hz sine wave, 0.5 octave/minute sweep rate

No data loss:

1.5 G 0-peak, 5-500-5 Hz sine wave, 0.5 octave/minute sweep rate

12.2 Non-operating Vibrations

The drive will not sustain permanent damage or loss of recorded data after being subjected to the environments as described

12.2.1 Random Vibration

The test consists of a random vibration applied for each of the three mutually perpendicular axes at a time duration of ten min-
utes per axis.

1.04 G RMS, 5-500 Hz, flat PSD profile

12.2.2 Swept Sine Vibration

The test consists of a swept sine vibration applied for each of the three mutually perpendicular axes.

2.0G 0-peak, 5-500-5 Hz sine wave, 0.5 octave/minute sweep rate

12.3 Operating shock

The drive will meet the criterion while operating in the respective conditions as described below.

No data loss: 15G, 11 ms duration, half sinewave shock pulse

No data loss: 30G, 2 ms duration, half sinewave shock pulse

The shock pulses of each level are applied to the drive, ten pulses for each direction and for all three mutually perpendicular
axes. There must be a minimum of thirty seconds delay between shock pulses. The input level is applied to a base plate where
the drive is attached using four mounting screws.

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