Ztest hotr/hots/hs64, Requirements and restrictions, Hotr format – IBM HOTS User Manual

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The HOTX driver suite contains the HOTR, HOTS and HS64 drivers. The HOTR driver tests the
TPF DASD supports by creating a 'hot record' (default using #HOTREC) to blast channels and
test cache. The instances created by the HOTR driver stresses the DASD system by
repeatedly finding and filing the ‘hot record’. The first time it runs, it allocates a 4K frame on the
system heap for the subsystem to store the information (8 bytes for each entry containing the
flags (run, stat, stop, ebrout) of all ordinals (0x00-0x13) of all I-stream (up to 24).

In the scope of HOTR driver, the instances of the HOTR (i.e. ECBs of QHT1), created by the
START parameter, read in the request from the status table and run accordingly. These ECBs
will keep running, accessing a 4 byte field in its ordinal of the target file/record, checking
whether the number in the field matches the number saved in the instances. They will increment
the number on both fields, file the record and start over again until they are requested to exit
(STOP parameter). The statistics information can be requested by the STAT parameter. The
parameters (START, STAT, STOP) compose the actions of the HOTR driver.

The target record stores the access information about the target record for all the I-Streams
(maximum 24) of all the processors (maximum 32). The access information is a 4 byte long
integer count number which is incremented and updated by the QHT1s every time they access
the files.

The HOTS driver tests the VFA

synchronization across the L/C system

. The HS64 is the 64

bit version of the HOTS driver. Both drivers set up the request in the status table on the system
heap for a specific ordinal. The QHT1s will enter the snippet segment (QHT3) if the HOTS
(QHT2) sets the flag (snippets, nosnippets, normal, state#, service#, fct mode etc.) in the fields
assigned to them in the status table. In the scope of QHT3, snippet is set up, the FARW is
ported from D8 to D7 and D6 (only 2 states need 2), the FLFAC that each state needs is done
and the find and hold record are done if the State/Service (detail in Appendix B) pairing needs a
hold. The SET SNIPPETS parameter runs all the combinations of the State/Service starting
from State 1/Service 1, 2, 3, ... pairs to State 14/ Service ..., 35, 36 then start over again.

Requirements and restrictions


HOTR Format

>>--ZTEST--+-----+- --HOTR- -+-STARt-+- -+---------+- -+-----------+-+---><
'- -i-' +-STAT--+ +-FIleadd-+ +-Ordinal-n-+ |
+-STOp--+ '-FAcid---' '-All-------' |


indicates the specific I-stream in which the driver will be run. If i is not specified, the test
case(s) will be executed on the I-stream on which the command is entered.


starts the driver on the ordinal number specified.


© Copyright IBM Corp. 2006

HOTX Driver User's Guide 3

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