Verviews, The perfect couple, Dream date – Senario The Perfect Mate 20986 User Manual

Page 5: Know your mate, Find a mate, Opposites attract

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The Perfect Mate is really fi ve games in one! Although they all

play similarly – through answering multiple choice questions -

each has a unique twist making it fun in its own way. Depending

on the personalities of the people playing and their relationships

to each other, pick the game that seems likely to be the most

entertaining – or embarrassing – and get ready for a good time!
By the way, it’s worth noting that we at Senario don’t take any

responsibility for the effect this game has on your personal or

social life. If you end up in love or with a new best friend, that’s

just great! Congratulations! If things turn out differently, and

you end up broken hearted or mad at a former chum, don’t say

we didn’t warn you!

The Perfect Couple

Let’s be honest, fi nding an ideal partner just isn’t that easy. Even

within your own circle of friends it’s diffi cult to know who should

be dating or hanging out with who. Well, thanks to the wonders

of modern technology your problems are over! The Perfect Couple

examines the personalities of everyone in the room and picks

out the most compatible pair.

Dream Date

Okay, there’s always that one special person everyone wants

to get to know better. Maybe it’s the popular guy, the sexy gal,

or the person who has a nonstop sense of humor. In Dream

Date, one player is selected as the Dream Date and everyone

else competes to see who’s the most compatible with him or her.

Don’t be shy; this is your big chance!
For the person who’s chosen as the Dream Date, remember to

keep your answers secret. The one you choose won’t appear on

the screen, so the other players will have to do their best to

guess what answer you’ve given based on their impressions of

you. Think of this as the perfect time to be sly, mysterious, and


Know Your Mate

How much do you really understand your partner? Whether

you’ve been together for 20 hours or 20 years, the answer might

surprise you. In Know Your Mate, couples compete to guess how

their partner would answer a series of questions. One member

of a couple will have his answer hidden. That is, nothing will

be displayed on the screen when the player enters it. It’s up

to the partner to guess which answer was given and match it.

The more times they match, the better they know each other.

Be warned, though, your partner might have a few secrets and

surprises you don’t expect!

Find a Mate

So, you’ve got everyone over for an evening of fun and games.

Sooner or later, people are going to start to hang out together

and pair up. Of course, that can take hours and is an inexact

science at best! Now, a quick game of Find A Mate will speed up

the process and leave you lots more time to get to know your

new partner. By answering questions, the game will match up

everyone in the room into a couple. There’ll be a most-compatible

pairing, a second most-compatible pairing, and so on until

everyone has a partner.

Opposites Attract

Everyone has heard the old saying that opposites attract, but

is it true? Well, our answer is a defi nite “sometimes”! Opposites

Attract plays just like The Perfect Couple, except the game keeps

track of the scoring a little differently. When all is said and done,

the two people who are least alike will be paired up. That’s sure

to lead to a great time – either for them or for everyone watching

them when they’re together!

Perfect Mate Manual Draft.indd 8-9

2005-06-21 2:43:50 PM
