Getting started, Install the realjukebox software – RCA RD2211 User Manual

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Getting Started

7. Install the RealJukebox software.

After you have installed the external drive and placed the LYRA2 software CD in
the CD-ROM drive as described on pages 6-8, follow these directions to install the
RealJukebox software.

A. Display the Select Music Software
screen as described in Step 5.

Make sure RealJukebox is highlighted
and click Install.

B. Click Accept or Cancel after you
read the license agreement.

Note: You must Accept to continue.

C. When the Setup of RealJukebox
screen appears, verify the correct des-
tination path for the program files.

Click Next.

D. Select how to configure shortcuts
for RealJukebox and click Finish to
start installation of the software.

E. Once the RealJukebox software
has started, complete the Electronic
Registration Card. Enter your Country
and Zip Code. Click Next to proceed.

Note: If you don’t have email, enter
[email protected]. You must enter an
email address to proceed.

F. Read Information about
window appears. Click
Tell Me More for more information or
click Next to continue.

G. Setup Options screen. Select the
setup option you wish to use. Express
Setup is recommended. Click Next to

H. Confirm Express Setup screen.
These screens will give a summary of
the most common and default config-
uration settings. You can change the
settings or click Finish.

We suggest you click Finish and
not change any of the settings at
this time.

I. If necessary, close the main setup

Note: You can access the Configuration
from the Tools menu at any time
later when you are more familiar with the


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