Operation, Desempacar, Asamblea – Lumex Syatems HYBRIDLX LX1000 User Manual

Page 8

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WarnInG: read the safety section and operating instructions in this manual before use.

WarnInG: Before using the HybridLX

, ensure that the wheels are securely attached to

the frame, that the seat is fully in its locked position, and that the push buttons protrude
fully through the height adjustment holes for the armrests and legs.

Before proceeding, ensure that all instructions in the previous section, ASSEMBLY, have been fol-
lowed, and that you have read the SAFETY section of this manual.

roLLator mode

rollator setup

The photo at right shows the HybridLX

in Rollator

mode. To keep the backrest away from your hands,
position the backrest away from the handles as shown
at right.

Walking With your rollator

1. Move your rollator slowly forward and always be

sure that the rear wheels are a few inches ahead of
your body.

2. Select a pace that is comfortable for you.

stopping With your rollator

The rollator has loop locking handbrakes. To slow
down, squeeze the handbrakes upward toward the
handles. To hold the rollator in a stationary position,
push the handbrakes down, away from the handles, until the handbrakes lock into place; the rear
wheels will be locked in place. To release, pull the handbrakes upward toward the handles until
the rear wheels move freely.

to sit in rollator

1. Push the handbrakes down, away from the handles, until the handbrakes lock into the parked position.
2. Test the wheels before sitting down to ensure the rollator will not roll.
3. Before sitting, touch the back of your legs to the edge of the seat to ensure proper positioning

of the rollator.

4. Hold onto handles or top armrests of rollator if necessary to help you lower your body onto

the seat.

WarnInG: distribute your body weight evenly on the HybridLX


WarnInG: do not lean on one side of the HybridLX


WarnInG: ensure that handbrakes stop rollator and lock in place appropriately before
occupying or operating rollator. If your handbrakes are not operating correctly, please
see your Graham-field


authorized distributor immediately for service.

Rollator Mode






A menos que el HybridLX

va ser usado inmediatamente, guarde la caja y materiales de almacena-

je para almacenaje hasta que uso es requerido.
1. Cheque por daño obvio al cartón y los contenidos. Si hay daño evidente, notifique a su compa-

ñía de transportes y a su distribuidor autorizado de Graham-Field



2. Remueve todo las materiales de almacenaje suelto de la caja.
3. Con cuidado remueve todos los componentes del cartón.
Cada caja debe contener los componentes siguientes:

1 Marco del HybridLX

2 Ruedas Traseras (con dos perillas de cierre traseras)
2 Ruedas Delanteras
1 Bolsa de Almacenaje
1 Par de Reposapiés de presión


ruedas deLanteras

Remover la Rueda Delantera

Instalación de Rueda Delantera

horquilla (indicando

hacia atrás)

botón de desconexión

fácil de rueda delantera


Instalación de rueda delantera

1. Remueva el plástico envoltorio de la rueda.
2. Inserta la rueda en el marco del frente con la horquilla indicando a la parte trasera del rodador,

como se ve en la foto a la izquierda. Vas a oír un “clic” cuando la rueda está puesto seguramen-
te en posición.

remover la rueda delantera

1. Apreté el botón rojo, como se ve en la foto a la derecha.
2. Jale la rueda del marco.
