M-AUDIO Classroom Studio User Manual

Page 6

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a) Arrange View
b) Session View

2. Arm track for recording: Press the Arm button located on the right side of the track, as shown below.
You will now see the microphone level displayed just to the right side of the Arm button.

3. You can also “unfold” the track to make it larger by clicking the small triangle next to the track name, on
the right side of the screen as shown. This will display the audio waveform within the track, and display
larger recording levels.

4. Set the recording level: While watching the input levels, have your band, or whatever you plan to
record, start playing. As they play, slowly turn up the gain knobs on the front of the MobilePre USB. You’ll
see the input levels start to increase. Continue to turn up the gain until the level meters consistently reach
3/4 up the scale. If the red clip indicators at the top of the input meters should light, the record level is too
high and is distorting. Turn down the gain until the red light turns off. Note: It is especially helpful to have
your band, or other source, play their loudest section of music while you adjust the levels to ensure you
don’t overload the MobilePre USB inputs

2. Start Recording: Now that the record levels are correct, you can begin recording. Press the Record

Standby button in the Transport Bar. When you click the Play button in the Transport Bar,
recording will begin.

a) Play
b) Record Standby

3. Stop Recording: Once you’ve finished recording, press the Stop button in the Transport Bar.

Your newly recorded audio will be displayed on screen. Please note that this new audio file
is located on your hard drive in the location selected in step 5 above.

This manual is related to the following products: