Asus RT-G32 User Manual

Page 526

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�art c�ntains �r is derived fr�m the Pr�gram �r any �art there�f, t� be �icensed as a

wh��e at n� charge t� a�� third �arties under the terms �f this License.

c) If the m�dified �r�gram n�rma��y reads c�mmands interactive�y when run, y�u must

cause it, when started running f�r such interactive use in the m�st �rdinary way, t�

�rint �r dis��ay an ann�uncement inc�uding an a��r��riate c��yright n�tice and a

n�tice that there is n� warranty (�r e�se, saying that y�u �r�vide a warranty) and that

users may redistribute the �r�gram under these c�nditi�ns, and te��ing the user h�w t�

view a c��y �f this License. (E�ce�ti�n: if the Pr�gram itse�f is interactive but d�es n�t

n�rma��y �rint such an ann�uncement, y�ur w�rk based �n the Pr�gram is n�t required

t� �rint an ann�uncement.)

These requirements a���y t� the m�dified w�rk as a wh��e. If identifiab�e secti�ns

�f that w�rk are n�t derived fr�m the Pr�gram, and can be reas�nab�y c�nsidered

inde�endent and se�arate w�rks in themse�ves, then this License, and its terms, d�

n�t a���y t� th�se secti�ns when y�u distribute them as se�arate w�rks. But when y�u

distribute the same secti�ns as �art �f a wh��e which is a w�rk based �n the Pr�gram,

the distributi�n �f the wh��e must be �n the terms �f this License, wh�se �ermissi�ns

f�r �ther �icensees e�tend t� the entire wh��e, and thus t� each and every �art

regard�ess �f wh� wr�te it.

Thus, it is n�t the intent �f this secti�n t� c�aim rights �r c�ntest y�ur rights t�

w�rk written entire�y by y�u; rather, the intent is t� e�ercise the right t� c�ntr�� the

distributi�n �f derivative �r c���ective w�rks based �n the Pr�gram.

In additi�n, mere aggregati�n �f an�ther w�rk n�t based �n the Pr�gram with

the Pr�gram (�r with a w�rk based �n the Pr�gram) �n a v��ume �f a st�rage �r

distributi�n medium d�es n�t bring the �ther w�rk under the sc��e �f this License.

3. Y�u may c��y and distribute the Pr�gram (�r a w�rk based �n it, under Secti�n 2) in

�bject c�de �r e�ecutab�e f�rm under the terms �f Secti�ns 1 and 2 ab�ve �r�vided

that y�u a�s� d� �ne �f the f����wing:

a) Acc�m�any it with the c�m��ete c�rres��nding machine-readab�e s�urce c�de,

which must be distributed under the terms �f Secti�ns 1 and 2 ab�ve �n a medium

cust�mari�y used f�r s�ftware interchange; �r,

b) Acc�m�any it with a written �ffer, va�id f�r at �east three years, t� give any third

�arty, f�r a charge n� m�re than y�ur c�st �f �hysica��y �erf�rming s�urce distributi�n,

a c�m��ete machine-readab�e c��y �f the c�rres��nding s�urce c�de, t� be distributed

under the terms �f Secti�ns 1 and 2 ab�ve �n a medium cust�mari�y used f�r s�ftware

interchange; �r,

c) Acc�m�any it with the inf�rmati�n y�u received as t� the �ffer t� distribute

c�rres��nding s�urce c�de. (This a�ternative is a���wed �n�y f�r n�nc�mmercia�

distributi�n and �n�y if y�u received the �r�gram in �bject c�de �r e�ecutab�e f�rm with

such an �ffer, in acc�rd with Subsecti�n b ab�ve.)

The s�urce c�de f�r a w�rk means the �referred f�rm �f the w�rk f�r making

m�dificati�ns t� it. F�r an e�ecutab�e w�rk, c�m��ete s�urce c�de means a�� the s�urce

c�de f�r a�� m�du�es it c�ntains, ��us any ass�ciated interface definiti�n fi�es, ��us

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