AVTECH Report Generator Plugin User Manual

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These keywords can be used in both the subject and body of an email, however it is suggested to only use the

short keywords within a subject (keywords that only return a number instead rather than a list) due to space

limitations. To begin using the Report Generator Plugin you must first set up a schedule for receiving reports.

3. To create a ‘Schedule’ click on the ‘Alerts/Tasks’ tab in AVTECH’s Device ManageR software. Then click the

‘Add’ button under the ‘Optional Schedules’ section. An ‘Add new Optional Schedule’ screen should pop up.

Name your schedule as desired (e.g.‘Every Day At Noon’, ‘Weekly at 5:00’, etc.), then set the range for the

desired times you wish to receive these reports for. Once this time range is set you can then click on the ‘Copy

To’ drop down to set this same time range for the desired days of the week. Click ‘Save’ to save this schedule.


AVTECH’s Device ManageR (ADM)

Application Software - Alerts / Task Tab

(ADM) - ‘Optional Schedule’ (Day / Time)

Next you will need to make sure that the person who should be receiving these reports is set up as a contact

under the ‘Alerts/Tasks’ tab. Click on ‘Contacts’ –> ‘Add’ and fill in the name and email address for the

contact you would like to add. This could also be an alias for a group such as ‘IT Team’. Make sure to set up

each contact separately if more than one contact is desired.


ADM - Add New ‘Contact’

Now that your schedule and contacts are set up, will need to create the action that will send the desired

Report. Click on the ‘Actions’ section under the ‘Alerts/Tasks’ tab, then click ‘Add’. This will take you to

the ‘Add New Action’ screen. Name your new action, add a description if desired, then select the ‘Send

Email Report To Configured Contact’ option from the ‘Action Type’ drop down. Once you have the action
