Datamax-O'Neil Windows CE 5.0 Thermal Printer Driver User Manual

Page 4

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for bit flip errors. It can detect errors if 1, 3, 5 or 7 bits were altered, but not if 2, 4, 6 bits
were. The default is to leave this off.


N – None (default)

No parity checking is done.


E – Even

Even parity is where the parity bit is set to “1” if and only if the number of 1 bits
in a given value are odd. This would make the total number of 1 bits even when
parity is included.


O – Odd

Odd parity is where the parity bit is set to “1” if and only if the number of 1 bits in
a given value are even. This would make the total number of 1 bits odd when
parity is included.

Data Bits:

Data bits are the number of bits used to transfer the data. Normally 8-bits are used so an
entire character, 0-255, can be represented in a single frame. The choices are 8 bits and 7
bits, with 8-bits being the default.


Handshaking is how the flow of information is controlled. It makes sure that you aren’t
sending data faster than the device can process it. There are four different methods that
can be used with Hardware only being the default. They can be used in any combination
or not at all. Thought the latter is only suggested if you are feeling particularly lucky.


Hardware (RTS/CTS): - default

Hardware flow control uses the wires in the serial cable to carry the handshaking
information to indicate when to and not to send information. This is the default
and is superior to software flow control.


Software (XON/XOFF):

Software flow control uses the XOFF (0x13) and XON (0x11) to send the
handshaking information. Because handshaking is done via actual characters the
XON or XOFF transmissions can be lost by a receiver that is already flooded or in
a noisy environment.


RTS (Ready to Send):

This sets the RTS line to 0 when it is ready to send data.


DTR (Data Terminal Ready):

This sets the DTE line to 0 to indicated that the device is ready to be connected to.

3.1.3 Wireless Settings

Most of the wireless settings don’t need to be considered by the user and are all set with the
printer when it is setup. The only thing the user needs to configure is the port to connect on if it
has been changed from the default of 515.
