Introduction, Synopsis of the method, Getting started – SKC Limited Chromic Acid Test Kit User Manual

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This kit has been designed to comply with MDHS method 52/3 obtainable from the Health &
Safety Executive for the testing of Chromic Acid Mist.
We strongly recommend reading MDHS 52/3 prior to commencing any sampling.

Synopsis of the method

Using either a ‘seven hole head’ or - more recently - the ‘IOM sampler’ to hold an alkali treated filter
paper, an air sample is taken at 2 litres per minute over the time period of one hour.
This can be positioned over a tank with the optional clamp.
After sampling, the filter paper is removed from the sampling head and using the chemical kit and
comparator, an analysis and quantification can be made of the Chromic Acid Mist levels.

Getting started

Refer to your air sampling pump manual for detailed descriptions on setting the pump sampling
flow rate and time period. Most pumps can be started and stopped manually. The flow rate must
be set using an external calibration device such as a rotameter or other such calibrator. This must
be done with the filter sampling head assembled and inline.
For convenience we recommend an SKC Universal Deluxe air sampling pump which can be set to
automatically stop after one hour.
This manual contains all the information required to process the filter with the chemical kit that you
have purchased.
