Protocol extraction section, Rotocol, Xtraction – Teledyne LeCroy User-Defined Decoding (UDD) Advanced Script Language (ASL) Reference Manual User Manual

Page 23: Ection

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Protocol Extraction Section

The Protocol Extraction section specifies how the data is extracted from traffic to one or more
endpoints. This section is required in every script file and must precede all other sections. This
section has: ProtocolName, ProtocolTransferRequirement, and ProtocolTransferDefinition.

ProtocolName (required) is the name of that is shown in the User-defined page.

ProtocolTransferRequirement block identifies all endpoints involved in the transfer of the high-
level protocol data. The data can be sourced from either a control endpoint zero or non-control
endpoints, or both. Each type of source has additional properties that completely specify the

ProtocolTransferDefinition block is the mechanism by which high-level protocols are transferred
and specifies how Command, Data, and Status stages are arranged across the assigned
endpoints. Depending on the protocol, the Data and Status stages can be omitted.


ProtocolName = "NameString"


< ControlTransfer


ControlType = Class | Vendor

<ControlRequest = number1 <, ..., numberN>>

} >

< Endpoint = EndpointId1


EndpointNumber = number

EndpointType = Bulk | Interrupt | ISO

MaximumPacketSize = number

Direction = In | Out

} >

< Endpoint = EndpointIdN


EndpointNumber = number

EndpointType = Bulk | Interrupt | ISO

MaximumPacketSize = number

Direction = In | Out

} >


< ProtocolTransferDefinition
ProtocolCommand = ControlTransfer | DataStage |
<MCS = number>
<ProtocolData = EndpointId1 <, EndpointId2> <MDS = number>
<ProtocolStatus = EndpointId <MSS = number> <IsOptional>>
<ToggleEndpoints = EndpointId1, …, EndpointIdN >
} >

