Triangle Engineering of Arkansas JD User Manual

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develop then some suggestions are offered here as a guide

toward remedying the cause.

Check rotating members for adequate clearance.
Check proper belt tension and pulley alignment.
Check installation and anchoring.
Check fan bearings.


Careful inspection should be made before start­up. All motor

bearings should be properly lubricated, all fasteners should be

securely tightened. Impeller should be rotated by hand to insure

free movement. (NOTE: Before placing hand on propeller, or

V­belts local out primary and secondary power source). Check

all set­screws and keys. Tighten where necessary.

The condition of V­belts and the amount of belt tension

should be checked prior to start­up. When it becomes

necessary to adjust belt tension, do not over­tighten as

bearing damage will occur. Recommended belt tension

should permit 1/64" per inch of span deflection of the belt on

each side of the belt measured halfway between the pulley

centerline. Extreme care must be exercised when adjusting

V­belts as not to misalign the pulleys. Any misalignment will

cause a sharp reduction in belt life and will also produce

squeaky, annoying noises. On units equipped with 2 or 3

groove pulleys, adjustments must be made so that there is

equal tension on all belts (see drawing below).

WARNING - Whenever belts are removed or installed,

never force belts over pulleys without loosening motor first to

relieve belt tension. The fan has been checked at the factory

prior to shipment for mechanical noises. If mechanical noise

should develop, then some suggestions are offered here as a

guide toward remedying the cause.

1. Check rotating members for adequate clearance.
2. Check proper belt tension and pulley alignment.
3. Check installation and anchoring.
4. Check fan bearings.
The inlets and approaches to the exhauster should be

free from obstructions. To assure maximum air movement

adequate supply air must be available.

Power lines compatible with the motor requirements are

brought up from an electrical source to the unit. A generous

amount of slack in power lines should be provided to allow for

motor deflections and to permit movement of motor for belt­

tension adjustments. Motor must be securely and adequately

grounded. Protect power lines from sharp objects. Do not

kink power line or permit it to contact hot surfaces, chemicals,

grease or oil.

Before putting any fan into operation, the following check

list should also be completed:

a. Lock out primary and secondary power source. b. Make

sure installation is in accordance with manufacturer’s


c. Check and tighten all fasteners. d. Spin propeller to see

if rotation is free and does not bind or rub.

e. Check all set­screws and keys and tighten if necessary.
f. Check V­belt or direct drive coupling for alignment. Use

recommended belt tension.

g. Check V­belt for proper sheave selection and make sure

they are not in reverse position.

h. Make sure there is no foreign loose material in duct work

leading to and from fan or in the fan itself.

j. Properly secure all safety guards.
k. Secure all access doors to fan and duct work.
I. Check line voltage with motor nameplate.
m. Check wiring. (NOTE: On single phase motors, the

terminal block must be set up in accordance with the

nameplate instructions and/or wiring diagram. The set­up

must match the line voltage. If the motor is 3 phase, the

winding leads must be grouped and connected as shown

on the wiring diagram. The line voltage must correspond

with proper grouping of motor leads. On 2­speed motors

the wiring diagram must be followed precisely or serious

motor damage will occur.)

Switch on electrical supply and allow fan to reach full

speed. If heater elements are tripping out the starters, the

following items should be investigated:

Is the heater element the correct size for the motor?
Is the starter located in a high ambient temperature?
Is the propeller rotating in the correct direction??
Is the line voltage excessively low?
Is the motor wired properly to suit the line voltage?

Check carefully for:

1. Correct rotation of the propeller (NOTE: Incorrect rotation

overloads motor severely and results in serious motor

damage. To change rotation of 3 phase units, simply

interchange any two of the three line leads. On single

phase units, change the terminal block set­up following

the wiring diagram).

2. Check motor and bearing temperatures so that they are

not excessively hot. (NOTE: Use care when touching

the exterior of an operating motor. Modern motors

normally run hot. They are designed to operate at higher

*Deflection height = 1/64" per inch of span



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