Define users & roles – Milestone Central 3.7 User Manual

Page 10

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Default port number is 80. The user name and

password must belong to a real or pseudo user account
which has been defined through XProtect

Enterprise/XProtect Professional. The account in

question must have access to all cameras on the

required server. Note that if XProtect
Enterprise/XProtect Professional will be accessed from

the internet via a router or firewall, Internet Access (in

older versions called Outside Access) must be enabled
in XProtect Enterprise/XProtect Professional.

5. Optional: If wishing to log all registered events on the

server in a log file stored on the Central Server, select
Enabled in the Event logging section. Event logging

allows you to see which events are generated on the

server, and hence which events may be relevant to use

for triggering alarms in Central.

6. When ready, click the Save button to save the server

definition. Your server definition will now be listed in

the Central Client’s Navigation section. Later you will
be able to drag indicators representing the server, its

cameras, etc. from the Navigation section’s list onto

maps in the Central Client’s Map section.

Repeat steps 1-6 if more servers are required.

Tip: Central is able to handle master/slave setups as

well. See the Central Administrator’s Manual on the

Central software DVD for more information.

Define Users & Roles

Now define Central users and their roles. Roles determine the

users’ rights. Central users are primarily imported from Active

Directory; a distributed directory service included with several

Windows Server operating systems.

Importing users from Active Directory means that you do not

have to create any user accounts or user authentication all

anew in Central. Active Directory also allows you to import
groups of users in one go; see the Central Administrator’s

