HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 34

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Table 15 Failed Auto Migration Plan Messages (continued)



Auto LUN failed to obtain. Check the settings and values
specified in the Auto Plan Parameters of the Auto Plan

Auto LUN failed to get specified information required for
creating auto migration plans. ‘XXXXXXXXXX’ represents

Failed to create auto migration plans. Failed to get

the information that Auto LUN failed to get. Contact the
service engineer for information on resolving this issue.

Error location: Class X Group X-X

Auto LUN failed to write in information required for creating
auto migration plans. ‘XXXXXXXXXX’ represents the

Failed to create auto migration plans. Failed to write in

information that Auto LUN failed to write. Contact HP
Technical Support for information on resolving this issue.

Error location: Class X Group X-X

Auto LUN failed due to invalid data. ‘XXXXXXXXXX’
represents the invalid data or statistics. Check the settings

Failed to create auto migration plans. Invalid XXXXXXXXXX.

Error location: Class X Group X-X

and values specified in the Auto Plan Parameters of the
Auto Plan window. Contact HP Technical Support for
information on resolving this issue.

Auto LUN failed to allocate the memory for creating auto
migration plans. Contact the service engineer for
information on resolving this issue.

Failed to create auto migration plans. Memory allocation

Error location: Class X Group X-X

Auto LUN could not find a proper candidate for the target
volume. The parity group to which the target volume

Source candidate = LDKC:CU:LDEV in Group X-X

Failed to specify a proper target volume for this source
candidate. The parity group of the target candidate

candidate belongs includes a volume that was migrated
in the specified sampling term.

includes a volume that was migrated in the specified
sampling term.

Auto LUN could not find a proper candidate for the target
volume. There is a risk of the HDD class disk usage rate

Source candidate = LDKC:CU:LDEV in Group X-X

Failed to specify a proper target volume for this source
candidate. The disk usage rate of the parity group might
exceed the class threshold.

exceeding the Max. disk utilization threshold value. Check
the disk usage rate for the HDD class and adjust the Max.
disk utilization value if necessary.

Auto LUN could not find a proper candidate for the target
volume. There is an insufficient number of reserved volumes.

Source candidate = LDKC:CU:LDEV in Group X-X

Failed to specify a proper target volume for this source
candidate. Insufficient reserved volumes.

The auto migration plan was canceled because the duration
of the migration exceeded the time specified in the Max.

The auto migration plan (LDKC:CU:LDEV->LDKC:CU:LDEV)
was canceled because of timeout.

Migration duration field of the Auto Plan window. The first
LDEV ID represents the source volume and the second LDEV
ID represents the target volume.

The auto migration plan was canceled because the
specified parity group information is incorrect. The

The auto migration plan (LDKC:CU:LDEV
(X-X)->LDKC:CU:LDEV (X-X)) was canceled because of
invalid parity group information.

correspondence between the source or target volume and
the parity group is invalid. The source volume might have
been migrated manually after the creation of the auto
migration plan. The first LDEV ID represents the source
volume and the second LDEV ID represents the target

There are some invalid samples in the parity group that
were not used to create auto migration plans. ‘N’

In Group X-X, there are N invalid samples. These samples
were not used for creating the auto migration plans.

represents the number of invalid samples. If there is only
one invalid sample, this message is shown as “...there
is invalid sample. This sample was...”

Due to too much invalid data in the volume, Auto LUN
created auto migration plans without using this volume.

There is too much invalid data in Group X-X
LDKC:CU:LDEV. Hence this volume was not used to create
the auto migration plans.


Auto LUN monitoring

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