HP Insight Management-Software User Manual

Page 129

background image

correlating VCEM operations in Systems Insight

Manager and Virtual Connect logs, 58

moving Ethernet networks (VLANs tagged) from one

shared uplink to another, 58

VC Domain in VC Domain Maintenance, 45
VC Domain tasks, 36
VC Domains

adding a VC Domain to a VC Domain Group, 39
cancelling a VC Domain Maintenance task, 50
creating a VC Domain Group, 37
licensing an enclosure for VCEM, 36
removing a VC Domain from a VC Domain Group, 40
requirements for adding a VC Domain to a VC Domain

Group, 27

VC Domain in VC Domain Maintenance, 45
VC Domain tasks, 36

VC Profile Failover

CLI exit and error codes, 99
list details for specified VCEM job, 98
show CLI usage online help, 98

VC Server Profile Failover

performing VC Server profile failover on specified VC

Domain bay server, 97



product manuals, 121

WWN address

adding custom WWN address ranges, 87
allocating WWN addresses, 85
creating WWN exclusion ranges, 85
deleting custom WWN address ranges, 87
deleting WWN exclusion ranges, 85
editing custom WWN address ranges, 87
reclaiming external WWN addresses, 86
tracking individual WWN addresses, 84


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