Lun-related commands, Flashing leds/locating hard drives, Basic command – HP StorageWorks 1000 Modular Smart Array User Manual

Page 25: Command options

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HP StorageWorks 1000/1500 Modular Smart Array Command Line Interface user guide


LUN-related commands

The following commands are used to physically locate specific hard drives in a LUN as well as create,

delete, and modify storage LUNs.

Flashing LEDs/locating hard drives

Creating LUNs

Assigning a name or ID to a LUN

Adding a spare to an existing LUN

Deleting LUNs

Deleting spares

Recognizing a failed unit

Expanding an array
Extending a LUN
Migrating a LUN to a different RAID level
Changing the cache setting for a LUN
Setting the preferred path for a LUN

Enabling/disabling automatic path switching

Flashing LEDs/locating hard drives

A variety of commands are available for physically locating specific hard drives. You can precisely locate

all drives attached to the MSA, all drives in an exact storage enclosure, all drives on a specific SCSI bus, all

drives in a specific LUN, or a particular hard drive.
When these commands are executed, the LEDs of the requested drives will blink. These LEDs are visible

from the front of the MSA and its attached storage enclosures.


If a time limit is not included with the


command, the LEDs will blink for 30 seconds.

The basic command verb is


, but a variety of command nouns and command options are

available to customize the request.

Basic command

locate [all] [box x] [bus x] [cancel] [disk diskxxx] [disk diskxxx-diskyyy]
[time=t] [unit x]

Command options


—all drives connected to the MSA storage subsystem will be located.

box x

—the number of the storage enclosure whose disks you want to locate. This option applies only

to the MSA1000.

1=the MSA1000 drive shelf

2=the storage enclosure attached to SCSI port A

3=the storage enclosure attached to SCSI port B

bus x

—the number of the bus whose disks you want to locate. This option applies only to the



—immediately turns off all location LEDs.

disk diskxxx

—a specific drive to locate. Disks are identified by box number and bay number.

disk diskxxx-diskyyy

—a range of drives to locate. Disks are identified by box number and bay



—(optional) the length of time to flash the LEDs, where t represents the number of seconds. This

option must be preceded by another option such as



unit x

—the number of the LUN whose disks you want to locate.

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