About the packet log – HP t5740 Thin Client User Manual

Page 24

background image


User’s domain name


The Location (Normal or Block All) that was in effect at the time
of the attack


Number of packets each piece of traffic sends between the
beginning and ending time

Begin Time

Time traffic starts matching the rule

End Time

Time traffic stops matching the rule

Rule Name

The rule that determined the passing or blockage of this traffic

About the Packet log

The Packet log captures every packet of data that enters or leaves a port on your endpoint. The Packet
log is disabled by default in the agent because of its potentially large size. You must enable the Packet
log before you can use it.

The Packet log uses the following icons to categorize data packets:

Full data packet captured

The Packet log records the following information about each data packet:


The exact date and time that the packet was logged

Remote Host

Name of the remote endpoint (only appears in Local View - this is the default)

Remote Port

Port on the remote host that sent/received the traffic (only appears in Local View - this is the default)

Local Host

IP Address of the local endpoint (only appears in Local View - this is the default)

Local Port

Port used on the endpoint for this packet (only appears in Local View - this is the default)

Source Host

Name of the source endpoint (only appears in Source View)

Source Port

Port on the source host that sent/received the traffic (only appears in Source View)

Destination Host

IP Address of the destination endpoint (only appears in Source View)

Destination Port

Port used on the destination endpoint for this packet (only appears in Source View)


Direction that the traffic was traveling in (incoming or outgoing)


Action taken by the agent: Blocked or Allowed

Application Name

Name of the application that is associated with the packet

Below the Log Viewer are two additional data fields that provide further detail regarding the selected
event. The left field provides data on the type of packet logged. The right field displays the actual data


Chapter 5 Monitoring and logging
