Rosendahl bonsaiLAN User Manual

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When using a DHCP server you must set the bonsaiLAN IP address
according to the DHCP address range and the used subnet mask as
described already in example 1. Make sure that the individual IP
address part (typically byte z) is outside of the DHCP range.

To avoid IP conflicts we recommend to set IP addresses in your LAN
manually and not to use DHCP servers.

On a MAC computer running OSX you must click System
Preferences, click Network and select show: Ethernet.
On the TCP/IP tab you can configure Ipv4 = Manually and then the IP
Address and Subnet Mask.
Press the Apply Now buttom to execute your new settings.

On the Ethernet tab set Configure: Manually, Speed: Autoselect and
Maximum Packet Size: Jumbo (9000). Apply now.

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3. FTP

The standardised File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files from
the bonsaiLAN module and a computer.

A FTP connection consists of a FTP server and a FTP client. The
bonsaiLAN module is a FTP server and the computer acts as FTP

FTP client programs are available as freeware for all operating
systems. We recommend to use a freeware program called

for Apple OSX operating systems and

the FTP Commander or Smart FTP for Windows.

Even the Windows Explorer works as an FTP client (just type in the
address line

in our example), but unfortunately

with a file size limitation of maximum 4Gbytes which is only 4 minutes
of uncompressed QuickTime video.

To get access to your bonsaiDRIVE with a FTP client program you
must set up a new connection with the IP address of your
bonsaiDRIVE. Most programs name this entry field Server or Host.

Type in the IP address with dots between the four bytes. In our
example 1 is this

In addition to the IP address you must specify the TCP port of the
control connection which is predefined port 21 for FTP.
Most programs show this already as default.

FTP requires a login procedure at the start of each connection.
The bonsaiLAN module accepts only anonymous logins, password is

Set the user to anonymous without password. On most programs you
can just mark “anonymous” mode, alternative you have to type in the
user name “anonymous” without a password.
