3 hook up power to datalogger, 4 turn on the charging source, 5 turn on power to the datalogger – Campbell Scientific PS150/CH150 12 V Charging Regulators User Manual

Page 16: Hook up power to datalogger, Turn on the charging source, Turn on power to the datalogger, 8. wiring harness plugged into battery connector

3 hook up power to datalogger, 4 turn on the charging source, 5 turn on power to the datalogger | Hook up power to datalogger, Turn on the charging source, Turn on power to the datalogger, 8. wiring harness plugged into battery connector | Campbell Scientific PS150/CH150 12 V Charging Regulators User Manual | Page 16 / 26 3 hook up power to datalogger, 4 turn on the charging source, 5 turn on power to the datalogger | Hook up power to datalogger, Turn on the charging source, Turn on power to the datalogger, 8. wiring harness plugged into battery connector | Campbell Scientific PS150/CH150 12 V Charging Regulators User Manual | Page 16 / 26