Cell, Flow sensor, Flow direction – Aqua Products CC-350 User Manual

Page 5

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CONFIRM LAYOUT: Lay out equipment pieces to be sure there is enough pipe space

between the last piece of apparatus and the tees in the return line to fit the Flow Sensor and
the Cell. A Vertical installation may be used to save space (see diagrams above).

I n s t a l l t h e C e l l

1. The Cell and Flow Sensor must be installed downstream from the filter and heating devices but before

any tees in the return line. The Cell may be installed horizontally or vertically so long as the Cell is
pointed in the direction of flow and is installed immediately after the enclosed Flow Sensor (see
diagram above).

2. Approximately 15 inches (~380 mm) of available pipe length will be needed for horizontal installations

of the Flow Sensor and Cell. Vertical installations can be made to take less space.

3. On the pipe where the cell will be installed, mark two lines 11 3/4 inches (300mm) apart and cut out

using hacksaw or pipe cutters.

4. Unscrew and remove the barrel unions (i.e. barrel nuts and slip connections) from either end of the

Cell. Thread one of the barrel nuts over the pipe and glue its slip connection to the cut pipe.

5. Hold up the Cell with the second union to gauge the proper distance before threading the second nut

and gluing the second slip.

6. After the glue had sufficient drying time, place the Cell with the o-rings into the opening between the

two ends of the pipe and tighten the unions making sure that the Cell is installed with the arrow
pointing in the same direction as the flow (i.e. water should enter from the side with the blue cap).

I n s t a l l t h e F l o w S e n s o r

1. Install the Flow Sensor between the last piece of apparatus and the Cell (if installed after the Cell,

damage to the sensor may result). When possible, install on a horizontal pipe.

2. Mark two lines on the pipe 3 inches (~76 mm) apart and cut with a hacksaw or pipe cutters.
3. Clean and glue the “T” connector (included) to the pipe making sure that the threaded end with the

sensor is on the topside of the pipe.

4. Be sure the arrow on the top of the Flow Sensor is pointing in the direction of flow, and that no glue

touches the paddle inside the sensor as it may cause it to jam.

Flow direction

Flow direction


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