Chapter 2: configuring basic workflow information, Configuring basic workflow information, Chapter 2: configuring basic workflow information – Apple Mac OS X Server v10.6 User Manual

Page 14: Configuring basic workflow, Information

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Use this chapter to set the name, author, and description

information of a workflow.

Every workflow defines a set of metadata or information about the workflow. Podcast
Composer lets you define three fields that are referenced in Podcast Producer server:
Workflow Name, Author, and Description.

Configuring Basic Workflow Information

In the first Podcast Composer stage, Information, you specify the following information
or metadata:

Workflow Name—The name of the workflow. This is the name that appears in the


Workflow pane of the Podcast Producer service. It also appears in the Workflow
drop-down menu in Podcast Capture. This name can be different from the name you
give to the Workflow bundle you create with Podcast Composer.
Author—The name of the workflow’s author information for your workflow. When


building your workflow in Podcast Composer, you can configure the workflow
settings to display the author information in the resulting podcast.


Configuring Basic Workflow

