Speeding up your workflow, Using key commands, Chapter 8 – Apple Logic Pro 8 Getting Started User Manual

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Speeding Up Your Workflow

There are hundreds of functions and commands in Logic, and
as many ways to use them.

Ultimately, it’s your choice as to how you want to approach music making in Logic, as it
generally allows you to work in a way that makes most sense to you. Most importantly,
any customizations you make should accelerate and simplify your workflow.

Using Key Commands

You can activate most Logic functions and operations with computer keyboard
shortcuts, known as key commands. In fact, a number of functions are only available as
key commands. Where possible, you should use these shortcuts, as they are far faster
than using the mouse.

The Key Commands window is used for the assignment of key commands to your
computer keyboard. Customized key commands allow you to reconfigure Logic to suit
your own working style. Your personalized key commands are stored in the Logic
preference files.

Full details on the Key Commands window (which is opened via the Logic >
Preferences > Key Commands menu option or with the Option-K key command) are
found in the Logic user manual.
