General Machine Products 70400 Apollo Cable Lasher User Manual

Page 8

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Apollo Lasher

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

2. Verify that the adjustable ten-

sion roller is in the correct

position for the type of lash-

ing. The roller should be in

the lower- most position for

normal lashing wire tension,

including lashing broadband

coaxial cables. The roller

should be in the upper- most

position for higher lashing
wire tension.

3. Depress the reel brake into

cutout on rear flange. Un-

screw and remove the wire

reel cover and slide the lash-

ing wire coil over the hub and

onto the reel making sure

that it spools out to the rear

of the lasher as shown by

4. Install the wire reel cover

and thread completely

onto the reel until snug

against the wire coil. It is

important to ensure that

the reel cover is tight

against the wire coil to pre-

vent the lashing wire from

“snagging” on itself.
