Using the blood pressure lowering system, Recommendations for best use – Kinetik Blood Pressure BPL1 User Manual

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Using the Blood Pressure Lowering System

4. The therapeutic breathing zone will be reached when your breathing rate is

below 10 breaths per minute. The Therapeutic Zone Counter will appear on
the LCD screen when this rate has been reached.

1 segment of the Therapeutic Zone Counter represents 1 minute within the
optimum breathing zone. When all the segments have appeared, you have
successfully spent 10 minutes on the optimum breathing zone. For every
minute after this a ring will appear in the outside of the Therapeutic Zone
Counter. For best results, ensure that you breathe within the optimum
breathing zone for at least 40 minutes per week.


Recommendations for Best Use

In order to get the maximum benefit from using your Blood Pressure Lowering System please try to
adhere to the advice detailed below:

Please ensure that you position yourself comfortably before the beginning of each session. It is
important to avoid talking or body movement, other than breathing during the session as this could
interfere with the breathing sensor and therefore the ability of the device to count your breaths

Breathing Tips

Effortless breathing throughout each session is the key to effectively relaxing muscles around the
arteries allowing them to dilate thereby lowering blood pressure. This is best achieved through slow
inhalation through the nose and then a slow exhalation through the mouth, this should be done in
time to either the music, the voice (when activated) or icon directions on the device display. These
visual guides are there to help you to develop an effortless breathing rhythm.
