F. upgrading firmware, Firmware versions – Pololu Maestro User Manual

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Period (T)


Speed units

Acceleration units

T = 20 ms

50 Hz

(0.25 μs)/(10 ms) (0.25 μs)/(10 ms)/(80 ms)

T = 3–19 ms

> 50 Hz (0.25 μs)/T

(0.25 μs)/T/(8T)

T > 20 ms

< 50 Hz (0.25 μs)/(T/2)

(0.25 μs)/(T/2)/(4T)

Servos available is an advanced option for the Micro Maestro only specifying the number of channels that may be
used to control servos. For example, if this value is set to 4, only the channels 0–3 will be available as servo channels.
The other channels must all be set to Input or Output. The only reasons to make fewer servos available are to allow
a longer maximum pulse length or a shorter period.

Period multiplier is an advanced option for the Mini Maestro 12, 18, and 24 that allows a larger period (lower pulse
rate) on some of the channels. For example, if you select a period of 3 and a multiplier of 6, you can have some servos
run at 3 ms (333 Hz) and the others at 18 ms (55 Hz). When the multiplier is greater than 1, the pulse rate options will
be shown in each channel in the Rate column.

For the Mini Maestro 24-channel servo controller, one extra option is available:

Enable pull-ups on channels 18-20 turns on pull-up resistors for all of the channels 18-20 that are configured as
inputs. This guarantees that the input value will be high when nothing else is driving the line. When enabled, this
feature allows you to connect buttons or switches to channels 18, 19, or 20 without supplying your own external pull-
up resistor: simply connect the button/switch between ground and signal line.

4.f. Upgrading Firmware

Please do not attempt to upgrade your Maestro’s firmware unless you know what you are doing. Most
customers do not need to upgrade their firmware.

The firmware is the program that runs on the Maestro. The Maestro has field-upgradeable firmware that can be easily
updated with bug fixes or new features. There are four types of Maestros: the Micro Maestro 6-Channel USB Servo
Controller (usc02a), the Mini Maestro 12-Channel USB Servo Controller (usc03a), the Mini Maestro 18-Channel
USB Servo Controller (usc03b), and the Mini Maestro 24-Channel USB Servo Controller (usc03c). Each type of
Maestro has its own firmware and you cannot load the firmware for one type onto another.

Firmware Versions

Firmware Version 1.00: This is the original version of the firmware. Currently, all Mini Maestros still ship
with this version of the firmware.

Firmware Version 1.01 for the Micro Maestro 6-Channel USB Servo Controller: This firmware version
was released for the Micro Maestro only. It contains a bug-fix that makes “Ignore” mode servos behave correctly
at startup. All Micro Maestros shipped on or after November 19, 2009 come with this firmware version.

Firmware Version 1.02: This firmware version was released on 2013-06-20 for all four types of Maestros.
This firmware version fixes a problem where in some cases the position of a servo with an acceleration limit
would never settle to the target value. This update also fixes some minor problems with error handling. For the
Mini Maestros, this update also fixes the yellow LED to blink the same way that it does on the Micro Maestro.
We are not yet shipping Maestros with firmware version 1.02, but it is available for download below.

Pololu Maestro Servo Controller User's Guide

© 2001–2014 Pololu Corporation

4. Using the Maestro Control Center

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