WarmlyYours Environ Flex Roll System For laminate/floating wood & engineered wood floor coverings User Manual

Page 13

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IMPoRtAnt PoInts FoR tHe CARPet FItteR:

Please ensure that compatible carpet cushion and carpet are being fitted.

Remember that you are laying carpet over a thin electrical heating element.

Extra care must be taken when working with sharp tools to avoid damage

to the Environ panel, which could cause it to malfunction and fail.

Ensure all cables have been channelled correctly into the carpet cushion

to avoid unsightly lumps or an uneven carpet surface.

Do not install nails, screws or staples in direct contact with the ENVIRON

heating panels and power supply cable. A staple left protruding can destroy

the ENVIRON heater cable.

When making a join (or “seam”) in the carpet, ensure that the seaming

iron DOES NOT come into direct contact with the Environ panel, as it

will damage the panel. Wherever possible, avoid joins in the carpet over

panels. Always use a good quality heat-bond tape, and use an ultra-wide

tape when joining heavy wool or similar carpets.

Fit your carpet as normal above the panels, taking special care when

working with sharp tools (power stretcher, knee-kicker, knives, scissors

etc) in the vicinity of the panels and cables.

Remove a small section (about 1/4” to 1/2” –wide) of the gripper at a

point on the floor below the thermostat and secure the cables to the floor

with adhesive tape, hot-melt glue or cable clips, taking care to ensure

that the cables are not damaged by the nails of the gripper.

Ensure the positioning of your Environ panel (and the way you have

routed the cables on the floor from the panel to the control point) allows

sufficient cable length to reach the connection point for the electrician

to make the connections.

Place Thermostat Warning Sticker to underside of thermostat’s faceplate.

Stickers are supplied with the Environ mats.

Note that the power supply cables of Environ

panels are matched to

the rated power of the panel. If more than one panel is connected to a

thermostat, ensure that the circuit connecting the thermostat to the house

power is correctly rated for the total amperage of the combined heaters.

For the total amperage of your installation look to your custom design

layout or your price quote. Overloaded power circuits may overheat and

could start a fire!

neVeR JoIn tHe PoWeR sUPPLY CABLes UnDeR tHe CARPet.

no seRIAL ConneCtIons oF one PAneL to AnotHeR PAneL. no



CABLes to tHe tHeRMostAt, AnD ConneCt tHe tHeRMostAt

to tHe sUPPLY.

Take the cables along the edge of the carpet cushion, between the

gripper and the carpet cushion to a point directly below where the

thermostat will be fitted (or below the socket outlet if no thermostat is

being fitted).

Before fitting the carpet, test the panels to ensure they are working

correctly. A simple test is a visual inspection to make sure there is no

visible damage to the heater, and in particular to the cable component in

the heater. A simple electrical inspection can be done with an ohms meter

to make sure the ohms resistance is what it should be (see page 4). Ohms

resistance can vary significantly depending on the ambient temperature

and an allowance of +/- 15% from the norm is acceptable.

Verify that the

voltage of the panels matches the voltage specified on the plan.

Connect the sensor wire to the designated screws on the terminal block

on the front of the thermostat power base. The wire must pass outside the

electrical box and follow the wall down to the floor. This is a low voltage

wire and in most geographical areas it does not need to be housed in a

conduit. If you choose to place it in a conduit, use a separate conduit

than the conduit used for the 110-volt or 220-volt wires that power the

heating element.

Secure the power supply cables (and the thermostat sensor cable, where

applicable) in the channel in the carpet cushion with adhesive tape, to

prevent them from “riding up” onto the top surface of the carpet cushion

and thus causing unsightly lumps or ridges when the carpet is fitted.

