Waters DisQuE Dispersive Sample Preparation Kit User Manual

Care and use manual

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E QuEChERS Sample Preparation Products and Kits


[ Care and Use ManUal ]


I. IntroduCtIon

II. AvAIlAble KIts

III. IndIvIduAl PouCHes, eXtrACtIon tubes, CleAnuP

tubes, And bulK sPe sorbents

Iv. ProCedure overvIew

v. usIng tHe AoAC KIt And MetHod

vI. usIng tHe Cen KIt And MetHod

vII. storAge And dIsPosAl oF used CArtrIdges

vIII. AddItIonAl InForMAtIon

IX. lIterAture reFerenCes

X. orderIng InForMAtIon

disQue QueChers sAMPle PrePArAtIon ProduCts And KIts

I. IntroduCtIon

Dispersive SPE (d-SPE), commonly referred to as “QuEChERS”,
is a simple and straightforward sample preparation technique
suitable for multi-residue pesticide analysis in a wide variety
of food and agricultural products. The high quality DisQuE

QuEChERS sample preparation and extraction products contain
conveniently-packaged foil pouches and centrifuge tubes in 50
mL, 15 mL, and 2 mL formats which provide the most common
buffers and sorbents for QuEChERS methods. For added conve-
nience, kits are available that include methods and consumables
for rapid method development and routine analysis.
