Port device type, Ds74 serial i/o module, Type ‘y’ for yes or ‘n’ for no and press <cr – Bay Technical Associates DS74 User Manual

Page 11: The unit responds with the port’s current type

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DS74 Serial I/O Module


NOTE: Once you make a change to the Port Device Name, you have to back out of the menu and
will be asked to Accept changes. If you type ‘y’ for yes, the changes take effect immediately for the
serial port.

Type ‘Y’ for YES or ‘N’ for NO and press <cr>.

Port Device Type

There are two configurations of port types. The standard RS-232 is the basic configuration for transfer of
data. RPC-SNMP is allows the port to be monitored through SNMP protocol. The host module will poll the
port at a predetermined time based on the firmware and displays the RPC/RPS SNMP ID data from the unit
connect to the port on the host main menu. Default is RS-232 Type

NOTE: If no RPC/RPS with SNMP enabled device is connected to the port, the host module will
wait approximately 40 seconds for the port to respond to it’s polling upon power up or host module
unit reset and display the following: No communication with RPC at Module # Port #

Select the port you want to change the TYPE, followed by a <cr>.

The unit responds with the port’s current type.

Selecting either option the module responds with the DS74 Configuration Menu.

NOTE: Once you make a change to the port type, you have to back out of the Port Type menu and
will be asked to Accept changes. If you type ‘Y’ for YES, the changes take effect immediately for the
serial port.

Accept changes ? (Y/N) :y

Module 2, Port 1 device type: RS232
Note: Changing port type will force a unit reset when configuration is exited
Enter Request :2

Enter Serial Port Number (? = Help, ENTER = Exit) :1

Changes accepted.

Accept changes ? (Y/N) :y

|Port|Device| Device | Baud | Word | Stop |Parity|Handshake|LineDrive|
| | Type | Name | Rate | Size | Bits | | |DTR |RTS |
| 1 | RS232| Device A | 9600 | 8 | 1 | None | None | HI | HI |
Enter Port Device Name (Max. 16 characters):
or press ENTER for no change .....:test
