03 resuscitation for electric shock victims – Tweco 250 Weldskill MIG User Manual

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Manual No 0-5072

safe practices weldskill 250, 350

December , 2008

Electric shock may kill immediately. Early

resuscitation is required if a life is to be saved.

Every Second Counts! Electrical currents may:

• Stop the heart;

• Cause contraction of the muscles of the body;
• Paralyse breathing due to paralysis of the

centre of respiration in the brain;

• Cause burns.

Efficient resuscitation requires training which is available from the St John’s Ambulance Association, Red

Cross and other sources.

 Don’t become a victim. Switch off power

if possible. If not, remove victim from

contact, using some insulating material.

2 If unconscious, place victim on their side and

clear vomit and other foreign matter from

mouth. Check for breathing by look, listen

and feel. If not breathing, commence expired

air resuscitation (E.A.R.). This should take no

longer than 3 or 4 seconds.

3 Place victim flat on their back on a hard

surface, open airway - using head tilt and

jaw support as shown.

4 Begin artificial breathing - 5 full breaths in 0

seconds, sealing nostrils with cheek or holding

nose closed.

5 Check carotid pulse in neck. If pulse is

present, continue E.A.R.

5 breaths per minute for adults.

20 breaths per minute for children.

7 Check for return of pulse and breathing after  minute

and at least every 2 minutes. Continue uninterrupted

until trained assistance is available. When breathing

and pulse return, turn on side and continue observation.

6 If pulse is absent and you have been trained,

begin cardio pulmonary resuscitation (C.P.R).

Cardiac Compression - depress lower end of

breast bone (sternum) 4cm to 5cm, less for

small children.

One rescuer - 2 breaths, 5 compressions in

5 seconds, i.e. 4 cycles per minute.

Two rescuers -  breath, 5 compressions in 5

seconds, i.e. 2 cycles per minute.

4.03 Resuscitation For Electric Shock Victims

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