0 operation, 0 battery powered models only – Monarch Instrument Nova Strobe DB Plus User Manual

Page 6

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per second (14,000 flashes per minute). The display will only display down to 0.08 FPS (5
FPM). There is typically a 5 µsec delay from trigger input to flash. The trigger source should
provide a pulse with a minimum duration (width) of 20 µsec.

With no external input, the output
jack (# pointing away from
socket) provides a TTL
compatible pulse from the
strobe’s internal oscillator. If an
external input is applied, the
output pulse mimics the input

pulse. This output pulse may be used to trigger a second stroboscope synchronously to illuminate
larger areas. Many strobes can be “daisy chained”. The output jack of one strobe is connected
to the input jack of the next strobe causing all the strobes to flash together and be controlled by
the first strobe in the chain.


To turn on the stroboscope, depress and hold the trigger. The trigger may be locked in position using
the side locking button. To lock the trigger on, hold the unit in the right hand, depress the trigger as
far as it will go, and then use your thumb to press the locking button. You may release the trigger
and the trigger will be held in place. To release the trigger lock, simply depress the trigger and then

When the strobe is powered up, it will begin flashing immediately. It will remember the last internal
flash rate and whether to display in FPM or FPS.

There are three major operating modes for the Strobe. These are Internal, External and Charging
(Battery powered model only). In the Internal Mode, the knob adjusts the flash rate from 30 to
14,000 Flashes Per Minute (FPM). In the External Mode, an external signal from a remote sensor
is used to trigger the flash and the knob has no effect. The Charging Mode (Battery powered
model only) is when the strobe has the battery charger plugged into it. The strobe will continuously
display the state of the battery charge while being recharged.

3.1 Internal Mode - Standard Strobe Operation

In the Internal Mode the stroboscope generates it’s own signals and functions like a tunable
stroboscope. The strobe is in the Internal Mode when nothing is plugged into the input jack.

With the power on, turn the knob counter clockwise to increase the flash rate and clockwise to
decrease the flash rate. The knob is velocity sensitive. Turn the knob slowly to have each
“click” equal to 0.1 FPM. Turning the knob more quickly will adjust the FPM by larger steps.
When adjusting flash rate, quickly turn the knob (or use the x2 or ÷2 buttons) to coarsely
change the FPM. Then slowly turn the knob for fine adjustments. Turn slower still for very
fine adjustments.

NOTE: There are maximum and minimum values in each mode, beyond which you cannot

adjust. In the Internal Flash mode, the maximum flash rate is 14,000 FPM. If you
are adjusting the rate and you reach a value which on the next increment would
exceed 14,000 FPM, the display will not increment. The same is true if you try to
adjust the flash rate below 30 FPM.


Signal Input




Signal Input

Figure 4 Output Connector Connection Detail



Low Battery Indication

When the batteries are low, the display blinks “LO BAT” every second. The strobe may still be
used for a short time. When the battery charge is further depleted, the strobe will stop flashing,
display “LO BAT” and then completely shut off. When “LO BAT” is displayed the unit needs
to be recharged (see below).

6.2 Charging the Batteries

The unit may be recharged at any time. You do not need to wait until the low battery condition
is indicated.

To charge the battery powered strobe with the recharger:


Release the trigger so the strobe is off.


Plug the recharger cable into the recharger socket (located below the display panel
behind the handle).


Plug the recharger into an AC mains wall outlet.

CAUTION: Use of rechargers other than the one supplied (R-115 or R-230) may

damage the stroboscope and void the warranty.

The strobe will display the current battery charge percent and the recharger will fast charge the
batteries for up to 5 hours (typically 3½ - 4 hours) or until the batteries are about 95% charged.

Once the fast charge is completed, the recharger will trickle charge the batteries (as indicated
by all the chevrons on the display coming on), which takes up to 1 hour.

NOTE: The total charge time is typically less than 5½ hours including the fast charge and

trickle charge.

Allow the recharger to trickle charge the batteries until the display shows 100% for peak
battery life performance. If the batteries are not charged to 100% regularly, the batteries will
lose capacity.

WARNING: The unit may be left on to charge overnight, but the unit should not

be left on charge indefinitely (more than 36 hours) as this will
damage the lead acid batteries.

6.3 Battery Disposal

Prior to disposing of the battery powered strobe, the user must remove the sealed lead acid
batteries. To do this, remove the lens, reflector and lamp as detailed in the Lamp Replacement
section. This will expose 4 screws that must be removed so the reflector housing can be
dismantled. There are four additional screws in the case half opposite the input and output
jacks that must be removed. The case halves can now be separated, exposing the batteries.
Remove the cables from the batteries and place tape over the battery terminals to prevent them
from shorting. The batteries should be sent to a recycling center or returned to the factory.
The rest of the parts may now be disposed of.


This manual is related to the following products: