Antennacraft CCS1233 User Manual

Antennacraft Accessories communication

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Read this manual and Consumer Product Safety Commission information.

For your safety and convenience, plan each step of the installation and

purchase the necessary hardware in advance. The order in which you

perform the steps and the hardware required depends on the mounting and

connection methods you choose.
We recommend two people assemble the entire antenna on the ground, then

mount the assembled antenna on the mast. The following steps are required

to assemble your antenna depending on which model you have. Look at your

antenna and the picture of the assembled antenna on the carton label.

Warning: When you install your antenna, use extreme cau-
tion. If the antenna starts to fall, let it go! It could contact
overhead power lines. If the antenna touches the power line,
contact with the antenna, mast, cable, or guy wires can cause
electrocution and death. Call the power company to remove
the antenna. Do not attempt to remove it yourself.


1. If your antenna has more than one main boom section, use the supplied

splint hardware to assemble the sections as shown. If necessary, lift one

end of the main boom so the wires reach the threaded posts of the next


Note: Some antenna models may have straight wires that connect

across the splint instead of crossover wires.

Digital Ready

2. Use the supplied hardware to loosely attach the supplied mast clamp

assembly to the main boom as shown. If your antenna has a support

boom, attach its mast clamp assembly, facing it the same direction as

the main boom’s mast clamp assembly.

Note: Some antenna models may have the mast clamp


3. If your antenna has a support boom, align its support straps and mast

clamp with the main boom’s strap holes and mast clamp. You may have

to flip the support boom ends to get the correct hole alignment. Attach

the support straps to the main boom using the two supplied 1½-inch

screws and large wing nuts.

4. Press the supplied large end plugs into the main boom and support

boom. If your antenna has wing booms, press the supplied small end

plugs into the wing booms.


WARNING: Installation of this product near

powerlines is DANGEROUS. For your

safety, follow the installation directions.

Note: This is a sample representation of your

antenna. To see your particular model, check

the end label on the antenna carton.

This manual is related to the following products: