Hudson Robotics RapidPick User Manual

Page 14

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Limit number of colonies to pick: Maximum number of colonies to pick within this scan.

Pad Wells: Reserve the maximum number of wells that colonies are picked into,
regardless of whether or not those wells were inoculated. For example, if the picker is
told to pick 12 colonies, but detects only 8, 8 wells are inoculated and 4 wells are
reserved. This is useful when inoculating multiple plates into one target well, where order
of rows may be vital.

Custom Image Parameters: Custom Imaging Parameters developed from and used by the
picker software can be implemented here. These imaging parameters overwrite the
default parameters within the picker and are implemented in the protocol. Note that the
default parameters originally within the picker software are overwritten. It is
recommended that users save ALL parameters made for their bacteria.

Output Scheme: Specify how colonies are placed in the output plate. Both Pick
commands and rearray commands allow customization on how the output colonies are
arranged. For sample custom output files, access C:\Picker\PlaceTestFiles. Note that
custom files may list less than the maximum number of wells, but may NOT list any
wells that do not exist on that plate. In addition, place test files can name the same well
multiple times for multiple inoculations of the same well.

The output scheme options mirror those found in the picker software, and are used in the
rearray and segmented pick steps.

Rearray – Transfers the contents of a 24, 96, or 384 well plate to another 24, 96, or 384
well plate by the use of the colony picker pins. Order is specified via text file. Sample
text files are found in C:\Picker\RearraySourceFiles. Use Default96 as a template for
rearray functions that do NOT use barcode scanners, and DefaultEnb96 as a template for
rearray functions which do use barcode scanners.

The output scheme shows the same options as the picker and pick colonies/segmented
picking steps.

Segmented Pick – Runs multiple picks in sequence, employing a different segment every
time. Up to 12 segments can be scanned on a single plate in succession. Creating
segments are discussed in the next section.

Input and output parameters, with the exception of multiple segments, are the same as in
colony picking.

Scan Plate – Allow for the colony picker to prescan the plate and save the number of
colonies scanned. This information can then be used within protocols for additional plate
processing, such as throwing out plates which have fewer than X colonies or only
processing plates which have Y or more colonies.

Clean Needles – Force the picker to clean and sanitize all 20 pins.

Prompt Manual Reset – Stop the protocol and allow the user to place in a new petri dish
into the source nest. Petri dishes must be manually moved into position.
