Connecting equipment to the tv front terminals, Front panel connections, Connecting equipment to the tv (rear) – Panasonic TX-80V95Z User Manual

Page 18: Monitor out, Connecting s-video equipment to the av input

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Connecting Equipment to the TV Front Terminals

Front Panel Connections

Behind the front panel door is the headphone socket and the AV2 input.


When a headphone plug is inserted into the headphone

socket the Internal speakers will be automatically disconnected:
only the headphones will function.
The front input terminals allow quick and easy access for
computer games, video cameras and other equipment which

is not usually permanently connected. When a connection is
made to the front panel terminals, the rear AV2 terminals are
switched off.



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Headphones ll



(Not Included)//

Stereo Plug

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Connecting Equipment to the TV (Rear)

Monitor Out

The Monitor Out terminals reproduce the signals currently on the television screen. The on­
screen signals could be a television programme or signals connected to the AV1 input.
The Monitor Out facility can be used to allow one video source (video tape, video disk etc.) to be
connected to more than one television. Connect the Monitor out from this television to the AV

Input of the second television.
If a video recorder is connected to the Monitor Out and video sources (VCR, video disk, camera

etc.) are connected to the AV1 input, the television becomes a visual display for tape editing or
The Monitor Out Audio can also be connected to a stereo amplifier or other hi-fi equipment.


STANDARD VIDEO RECORDER Neverconnectthesamevideorecorderorotherdevice to both the VIDEO

