Audio Damage DubJr User Manual

Dubjr, Digital delay with an analog personality

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Digital Delay with an Analog Personality


DubJr is a simple but powerful digital delay module with full
voltage control. Using the same proprietary variable-delay
algorithm we developed for Dubstation, our best-selling delay
plug-in, DubJr accurately recreates the delightfully strange
pitch-changing effects found in hardware delays of yesteryear.

DubJr also exhibits the same changing frequency response of
analog bucket-brigade device (BBD) delays, producing bright
flanging and comb filtering with short delay times and warm,
darkening echoes at long delay times. Delay is an essential
effect; DubJr is an essential addition to any modular system.

Control voltages present at the

jacks are added to the values set

with the knobs.

Positive voltages at the TIME jack

increase the delay time; negative

voltages decrease it.

Positive voltages at the REGEN

jack increase the regeneration or

feedback amount; negative

voltages decrease it.

Positive voltages at the MIX jack

increase the amount of delayed

signal in the output; negative

voltages increase the amount of

the original signal in the output.

The useful range of voltage for the

CV jacks is ±5V.

TIME sets the delay time. Turning the knob
clockwise increases the time. The maximum
delay is one second; the minimum is five
milliseconds. If you rotate this knob while
audio is entering the module, you’ll hear the
pitch of the output slide smoothly rather
than making nasty clicking noises.

REGEN controls the regeneration, or internal
feedback. If this knob is fully anti-clockwise,
you’ll hear just one delayed copy of the input
signal. Turn REGEN up and some of the
output is fed back into the input, creating a
series of fading copies. Turn this knob all the
way up and DubJr will sustain almost

MIX varies the amount of the original input
signal and the delayed signal in the output.
Turn this knob all the way clockwise and
you’ll hear only the delayed signal; turn it all
the way anti-clockwise and you’ll hear only
the input signal. At the center position you’ll
hear equal amounts of both.

The audio input signal goes in

here. The hardware will be

happiest if the signal level is

within ±7V.

The processed signal comes out here. Where
it goes next is up to you.

• A little delay goes well with almost any sound! A small
amount of delayed signal can add depth and spacious-
ness, while a large delayed signal can become a counter-
point to the original.
• A small varying voltage from an LFO applied to the TIME
jack turns a short delay into a doubling or chorus effect.

• Try turning down the MIX knob and setting up an external
feedback path with other modules, such as a filter or—even
better—our Grainshift granular-effect module.
• To toot our own horn just one more time: if you think one
delay is fun, two is more than twice as much fun.

Assembled in USA from US and foreign components.

Revision 1.0

©2013 Audio Damage, Inc.


Control-Voltage Jacks

Audio Input Jack

Audio Output Jack

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